Saturday, May 12, 2007

TVP105 post

well this friday in studio we did MUCH better then we did last week - i think last week we were trying to work as individuals and not as a team also the races were on and half the pplz diodnt turn up and the other half wantde to go - i donno y i find the races quite boaring to be honest i was happy being in studio i spose thats y i id a good job n didnt get yelled at. but this week as talant i could sit back n see how every1 was working as a team audio were a bit slow to begin with but got better as we went along not great but not bad eaither - 1 of the cams needed some more confidence but other then that they did well fm needed to be much louder and bolder but that will come in time im sure - he just isant a very loud person generally which isant always bad we need some1 who is quieter coz if we had every1 in studio as loud as a fm should be then wede be screwed! over all tnhough good energy thoughout the whole session and we worked together as a team - well done pplz!
check out tv studio

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