Tuesday, April 10, 2007

day 1 of holls - also days 2, 3 and 4

hi everyone - well iv decided to do a day to day blog entry of my holls - except today will have to be a bit of a catch up day as i spent my 1st offical day of holls in hospital on antibiodics - i had an upper and lower respotory infection a major sinus infection - spewing blood never a good sign - and a middle ear infection - not a healthy child! Day 2 - of holls i spent in bed and missed my riends get 2gether party - i missed seeing my friend who recently dropped out of uni and is now working to go overseas to do volunteer work in india - very nobel - n a whole bunch of my mates - day 3 - i spent dying in bed also - had a few visits from across the room from friends because im apparently still contagious so NOT KOOL! but today is my lil sisters birthday so i stuffed that i rang my dad and he myself and my other lil sis took our ittlest out to the movies to see meet the robinsons - not a bad movie for all those who want to know - alot better then i was expecting but if a whole group of people in my shire suddenly die from sars ior something it wasent my fault jks! then we went to lunch - PIZZA at the park and too pics and hung out - it was great havent seen dad in like 4 months missed him heeps - dissapointed but i spent all this time n care getting his easter bunny back in 1 peice on the trauin - 18 bloody hrs and he leaves it in the sun n it melts! sooooooooooo dissapointed!! now weve just had chinease dinner and cake - my middle sister almost burnt down the house as we couldnt find a lighter or matches and while we were all looking for some she thought shed try and make a fire...on the stove! she caught a plastic bag on fire! thats about it! now the house stinks! mum is very stressed out - not good! her bf is giving her the shits tonight so every1 is copping it coz hes not making her have a good time! i know that sounds rude but i have no respect for it or them when their together so meh! anyways hope your all having fun on ur holls and i hope theyv been better then mine - ill keep you updated everyday now that im able to be up and not cought up my lungs! so yea have fun - keep moving forward as thy say in the disney movies! byies!x

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